
When you are writing a service, maybe you need to be able to save a piece of JSON data to your system's memory.

There are three ways to create a cache, which are MemoryCache, RedisCache or MemcachedCache.

What is the difference between these three ways?

  • MemoryCache: easy to configure, but it automatically destroys when the server is stopped.
  • RedisCache: stable but you have to install Redis.
  • MemcachedCache: stable but you have to install Memcached.

There are two serialization schemes we provide for you:

Core arguments

RedisCache and MemcachedCache class constructor must takes these arguments. Some Field classes take additional, field-specific arguments, but the following should always be accepted:

  • host
  • port


MemoryCache can be instantiated directly


.set(self, key, value, ttl=None, **kwargs)

Set the value at key key to value

.get(self, key, default=None, **kwargs)

Return the value at key name, or None if the key doesn't exist

.delete(self, key, **kwargs)

Delete one or more keys specified by keys

.exists(self, key, **kwargs)

Returns a boolean indicating whether key name exists

.incr(self, key, **kwargs)

Increments the value of key

.api_cached(self, ttl=None, **kwargs)

This decorator provides a caching mechanism for the data

  • param cache_class: such as RedisCache MemcachedCache MemoryCache
  • param ttl: int seconds to store the data
  • param serializer: serialize the value


These methods can be used with very convenient, first of all, you just need to add one new class which inheritance the Toapi.Settings.

Let's take a look at a quick example of using MemoryCache.Start off by adding the following to your

from toapi.cache import MemoryCache, RedisCache

class MyMemorySettings(Settings):
    Create custom configuration
    cache = {
        # If you want to use other classes, just replace it
        'cache_class': MemoryCache,
        'cache_config': {},
        # Default value is JsonSerializer
        'serializer': None,
        'ttl': None

class MyRedisSettings(Settings):
    If you want to use Redis, you can create your configuration like this
    cache = {
        # If you want to use other classes, just replace it
        'cache_class': RedisCache,
        'cache_config': {
            'host': '',
            'port': 6379,
            'db': 0,
            'password': None
        'serializer': None,
        'ttl': None

Next create

from toapi.cache import cached, CacheSetting

from settings import MyMemorySettings

# Create a cache instance
# Or cache_ins = CacheSetting(MyRedisSettings)
cache_ins = CacheSetting(MyMemorySettings)

# Set the value at key, the key will be automatically deleted after 10s
cache_ins.set(key='name', value='toapi', ttl=10)

# Return the value at key ``name``,
value = cache_ins.get(key='name')

# Output
# toapi

Once a cache instance has been created, you can use it anywhere to implement data caching.

Now you know some of the basic operations for using cache_ins, but how can you add a cache to your API service?

Add the following to your

from toapi import Api

from settings import MyMemorySettings

api = Api('', settings=MyMemorySettings)

How It Works?

The Api class will initialize the cache attribute based on the value of settings.


Api class can accept a parameter named settings, if settings is None, the default configuration will take effect

You can read the basic configuration from toapi/